When you find yourself in a difficult situation, like trying to get your ex back, negative thinking will get you absolutely nowhere.
A negative thinking person is likely to give up rather that persist when the going gets tough but the positive thinking person will turn even the most unpromising situation to their advantage.
And guess what, the positive thinking person will eventually come up with the goodies.
A negative person give up all too easily and they always assume that things can never be done and it is no use trying. They tend to look down on themselves and blame the environment and rely too much to luck instead of trying and finding new and alternative ways of solving the problems.
So to whatever your problems be it trying to get back with your ex or something else surround yourself with positive thoughts and people and learn to think more positively and believe in yourself.
A positive thinker will always emerge from the darkness into the light.
Stay positive, be happy
My best wishes to you
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