Monday, 30 May 2011

Getting Back Together With Your Ex - 5 Wrong Reasons

Five WRONG reasons for getting back together

You have broken up and really want to get back together but is it fro the wrong reason. Sometimes couples get back together for completely irrational reasons or just for convenience. Examine the following reasons couples use to get back and do not repeat the mistakes.

Loneliness: Are you going back because you've been lonely since you broke up. This is such a common reason to get back together, but loneliness, as depressing as it can be, should never be behind you decision to get back together.

Sex or rather the lack of it: Oh the power of sex, yes we are only human and when you are missing a warm sexual relationship the temptation to dive back into bed together is huge. Do not give in to this temptation because your long term happiness must be built on greater foundations or it will surely collapse again.

Emotional pressure from your ex: Your ex is putting undue pressure on you to get back together, citing all sorts of emotions and completely irrational reasons for a reunion. This is a difficult one to ignore but your ex is displaying desperation which is not a sound basis for getting back together.

You haven’t found or even looked for alternatives: So since the break up there hasn’t been anyone else and what is more there is no one on the horizon. How easy to just pick up the phone and suggest a reconciliation. Don’t! get out into the world and make new friendships, it is easier than you think because there are thousands in the same situation. Explore your world you could be in for a pleasant surprise, if you don’t then you will never know.

Never take the lazy way out: You miss your ex but you cannot be bothered to find some one else so you plan to wait a while and try to get back with your ex. No, no and again no, get off your butt and make something of your life and make yourself more interesting to others by mixing freely. Do this for a while and you ex will probably begin to see a new you and want to get back together with you.

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