Sunday, 1 May 2011

Getting Back Together With Your Ex - Avoid These 7 Mistakes

7 Mistakes... Are You Making These?

If you’re determined that your partner is the right one for you, then it’s best to get a plan together to bring him or her back. The plan isn't difficult nor is it about dirty mind tricks and you will need a structured plan because right now you are likely to be too scattered to think rationally about your situation.

First off answer honestly and be mindful whether you're making some of these mistakes already.

Question #1 - Are you taking it seriously?

If you want your lover back, you need to be committed. You need a plan you can follow with conviction. If you doubt yourself, if you think you can win them back by doing what you've always done, you might not see the results you want.

Question #2 - Are you willing to change?

One of the major problems is that some people are too set in their ways to really change. Now there is a difference between changing just for the sake of pleasing someone else, and doing it for yourself.
Are you willing to make sacrifices for your partner and are you willing to change not only for them but for yourself. You may need to for the sake of your relationship and for your happiness?

Question #3 - Do you have a positive self-image?

Do you feel on some level you're not good enough for your partner, that you don't deserve them? Well cast these aside because these beliefs will limit your ability to get them back.

Question #4 - Are you paying attention to what your partner wants?

It's easy to fall into the victim mode. You're the one hurt, you're the one out of control, and you're the one desperate to get them back. You might want your partner to feel sorry for you, so your actions around them are also filled with self-pity.

This is very unattractive and will only want to make your partner wish they were somewhere else or with someone else. So redirect your attention away from how much pain you are feeling right now and consider your partner’s perspective. Have you hurt them equality as much as they have hurt you, be honest.

Question #5 - Are you taking action?

Doing is more powerful than talking. The best way to start changing yourself for the better is simply by doing small things for yourself everyday.
These things could be:

Losing weight
Improving your finances
Treating the people around you with respect
Taking real steps each day to rectify your flaws.

Simply saying you'll change and things will be better does not equal being so. To show your ex you really are going to change, you need to start putting that change into action.

Question #6 - Are you confident?

People are attracted to those that are self-assured and confident in their own abilities.

For men, if your girlfriend has left you, don't simply shower them with attention, gifts and 'I love Yous' (unless your break up was due to a lack of those things), identify the root of the problem and go from there. If you apologize blindly without dealing with the core issues, your ex will see through your blatant persuasions.

Question #7 - Are you too proud?

You need to realize what is most important. Winning the battle or winning your love back. Swallow your pride and don't let a good thing go just because of your ego.

Be perfectly honest with yourself it is often so easy to repair a broken relationship if the partners admit to their shortcomings and set out to rectify them.

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